Kitchen Knife Blog

Knowledge of kitchen knife
Devin Leung

What is Damascus knife and its characteristics

The Damascus kitchen knife is prized for its exceptional hardness, sharpness, and durability, along with a distinctive patterned blade. Chefs and home cooks appreciate its practical and aesthetic value, making it an excellent investment for any kitchen.

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Knowledge of kitchen knife
Devin Leung

What makes a good knife

A high-quality kitchen knife is composed of many factors, and it is not determined by a single factor. Let’s take a brief look at what are the main factors that determine how to make a good kitchen knife.

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Knowledge of kitchen knife
Devin Leung

On structure of kitchen knife plastic handle

This article mainly introduces the structure and processing method of plastic handle. Generally speaking, there are four main types of processing methods based on different structures:1. Insert by pressure
2. Injection molding
3. Assembled by rivets
4. Ultrasonic welding

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Knowledge of kitchen knife
Devin Leung

Kitchen knife production processes

This section will show you the key processes of production, you can see exactly how kitchen knives are made. Knives with different structures have different production processes and manufacturing technology.

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Damascus knife
Knowledge of kitchen knife
Devin Leung

The blade material of Kitchen knife

The blade materials of kitchen knife are all based on  martensitic stainless steel . The mechanical properties of this material can be adjusted by heat treatment, mainly by increasing its hardness and toughness. After more than a decade of continuous efforts, material manufacturers have developed different grades of materials suitable for different product unit prices and users through the research and development and comparison of cutting materials.

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